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Available Books

Cover of The Bandage Solution

Available in Hard cover & Soft cover

Book 1 - The Wilson Family

    Janet Wilson, an Ex-Military Police officer of the Canadian Armed Forces with remarkable martial arts training, now a Grade 7 teacher, is an independent woman who teams up with RCMP officer, Corporal Peter Duchesne, to work on an anti-drug program for the school.

    At the start of the school year Janet uses a “getting to know you” exercise with the students that helps identify a young student who has emotional issues. Peter comes to learn that Janet has a compassionate yet fighting spirit and skills that leave him in awe. Peter is getting a lot of pressure from his family to leave the RCMP and take over the family construction company. He finds himself torn between helping his family and a career that he loves and is good at.

    Disaster strikes the community of Blairton Crossing, the result of illegal drug use, Janet determined to find a way to help and in desperation turns to Peter. That collaboration results in Janet & Peter starting an anti-drug program, proving to be an indomitable team. 

    Facing challenges, including death threats, assaults, and personal attacks, Janet and Peter’s friendship grows closer and more personal as they work together to help the students and the community.

Coming Books:

Case Closed: Book 2 - The Wilson Family

Operation Green Stone: Book 3 - The Wilson Family

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